Monday, April 21, 2008

My Girl

Do any of your kids have a favorite color? Lilly sure does. It's pink! She also likes blue and purple, but watch out when there is pink around.

You see, any item, no matter where you are, (the cousins' houses, the store, 'bamas', or at home), if it is pink, it is Lilly's. She likes to let you know too. If she sees something with a drop of pink on it, she immediately says, "MY PINK". If nobody else is playing with it at that time, everyone is safe. If that item is at the time in use by anyone else, Lilly is not happy.

Lilly is also a bit of a hoarder at night. We are convinced she has a checklist in her head that is a list of requirements of things that need to be in bed with her before she can fall asleep.

Top 10 Items on her list.
#1 Blanket
#2 Baby
#3 Other Baby
(She has twin baby dolls)
#4 Doggy blanket (for the baby doll)
#5 Pink blanket (for other baby doll)
#6 Her drink (which she usually doesn't get, but always tries)
#7 Books (she has 3 favorites)
#8-10 Anything left on the floor of her bedroom that she can see. She doesn't want anything to feel left out I guess.

She is such a wonderful little girl and I'm so glad God has bless us with her.


mjvan said...

Very cute! Kinley has to have his "bear-bear" for bed or anytime he gets hurt. :)

Heather S. said...

Such is the life with a little girl! Norah LOVES pink, too. I'm hoping Lucy's is purple or something so we have less issues here - however I have a feeling hers will also be pink. Just wait until Lilly decides she will ONLY wear skirts and dresses. No pants or shorts - even in the winter. Call me when this happens - we have a LONG list of reasons why she sometimes needs to wear pants (my real reason was it was just too cold to wear a skirt).

Brandijo said...

Christian has also developed the list of items that "must" be in bed with him at night. He has to have every single stuffed animal that he owns. And by the time they are all on the bed you can barely find Christian! It's pretty funny, but with Christian we think that it makes him feel safe.